Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas 2010

 This year for Christmas I had my friends Dave and Ande come and stay with me as they had moved to Queensland and had decided they would come back and spend Christmas with their families, so we had a bit of Christmas spirit, with us as they have their two daughters.

Ande decided that we needed a tree and as it was only me usually, I hadn't bothered, so she bought a tree and  her and the girls decorated it.

Second stop for the day after we all left to go our seperate ways was at the Rances, who decided id been a stranger for to long and so rang me up to come over, so ended up their for lunch and a chat and a snooze on their couch :)

After the Rances I headed over to North Richmond and visited with the Hargreaves and the Sandelin-Mccanns and watched a movie and had tea.

Who knew that huggies nappies boxes would come in so handy for a piniata :)

 It was a nice day all up and was nice to spend it with lots of friends, who have meant so much in my life from early childhood friends to people who have taken me in and looked after me well the last few years.