This is it, I don't know when I'll blog again, these are a few of the many shots that I took or were taken of me while I spent the last month down in Tassie, but today is the last day before I catch the Spirit of Tasmania and head back to normal life home alone.
The swimming hold down at Pop's has been all cleaned up and a little jetty and flying fox now goes across the swimming hole
We made a flying visit to Eddystone point for the day, just so I could get my fill of fishing and being out with the boys, we got very few fish and the Crays we got were delicious So thanks guys
Where else but Tassie, I got sll the seasons, We went to the snow, wore shorts and tshirt, but suprisingly very little rain this trip round.
One of the many snaps I took of myself, the mighty lobster river down the back of Mum and Dad's place
Just one of my favourite shots that I took, I just thought the scene was Beautiful.
So it's been fun, but alas I must leave, it was nice to catch up with family and to those who had me over for Tea, thankyou, it was awesome to see you. On a parting note, I came across a German pastry Chef and he's fantastic, absolutley loved the food.