Thursday, August 7, 2008

Clean up

While I was in Hospital, the Rances came over, mowed the lawns, changed a few things in the backyard, and also cleaned up the garage and house abit. Mum was also staying and decided the garage needed cleaning out more, which to tell the truth I quite agreed with, but just hadn't got around to doing since I moved in more than a year and a half ago. When I got here I just dumped the main stuff in the right rooms and then the rest of the stuff was dumped in the garage.

After that amount of time, I kind of figure if there is stuff in there I haven't used then there's really not anything I really need, so just chuck it out, but today with time on my hands as per usual I've started to go through as few more boxes and actually see whats in there. Would I find some treasure? You never know, there could be some goodies hidden away, had to have good thoughts :)

A couple of boxes later, found old birthday cards, heaps of pc games, photos and a heap of junk, the few dollars in coins and notes always brings a smile to your face though.

One thing I have come to realise though is the electrical equipment lying round not being used and thinking to myself, why bother holding onto it, if you aren't using it. Things like a ps2, dvd players, video cameras etc havent been used in ages, last time the ps2 was used was by Jalen and Harri in february when they stayed, and before that would have been over a year and a half at least. A pack rack or get rid of it? Get rid of it I say, so some of it has gone on Ebay, won't be a fortune, but hey better than collecting dust or dampness.


Anonymous said...

Glad you found some more money. Maybe you,ll get to make another house payment !!! Love Mum xxx

Anonymous said...

Ande must be the hostess with the mostess,as I here youv,e been there a few times this week.Hope she,s not feeding you broccoli. now you,ll think I was trying to kill you with my cooking. You had better put on some dramatic stomach cramps or else!! Love Mum xxx